Turtle in Paradise Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Maybe Mama is right after all. Maybe life is like a Hollywood picture, with happy endings around every corner. The boy gets the girl. The millionaire adopts the orphan. The poor kid finds the pirate treasure. (15.1)

As her dreams start to come true, Turtle begins to rethink her entire philosophy. Perhaps it's not that Hollywood endings never happen; maybe they are just rare and she is one of the lucky few who gets to live out a movie.

Quote #5

It's drizzling and we're all scratching at our mosquito bites. My face feels hot and tight. I wonder what Shirley Temple would do in this situation. Probably sing a song about how fun it is to be stuck on an island. (16.2)

For as much as Turtle hates Hollywood, she sure does think about it a lot. Take this scene, where she wonders what Shirley Temple would do and then uses what she thinks of (a.k.a. singing) to make everyone feel better.

Quote #6

Little Orphan Annie and Terry Lee get into scrapes, but they always get rescued. Everything ends up okay in the end. But it turns out that real life's not like the funny pages. When morning comes, no one's knocking down the door looking for us. It's still raining on and off, and windy. (17.1)

On the island, with the treasure in hand, Turtle realizes that as thrilling as treasure hunts and adventures look in the movies, they are not as exciting in real life. She's not sure if they will even be rescued, and she begins to wish she were in a movie so she could have some hope of surviving.