Turtle in Paradise Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Princess," he said, laughing, "everybody's got a dream." (9.46)

Archie claims this to Turtle, and she believes him right away. Too bad she doesn't think about what his dream is until the end of the book. But what is his dream exactly? And why is it easy for him to accomplish his dream with Turtle and her mom?

Quote #5

"It's Nathaniel's bungy. It's just terrible. I've tried everything. I don't know what else to do," the mother said, looking like she was going to burst into tears at any second. "Can I please have some of the diaper-rash formula?" (11.5)

For the Diaper Gang, dreams come in tiny packets. Babies, to be precise. They offer the dream of a rash-free and cry-free baby, which every mom in Key West wants to take them up on. They're so successful because, like Beans says, good babies don't exist.

Quote #6

Something hopeful in me hardens. She reminds me of all the rotten kids I've ever lived with. (11.40)

Talking about her grandma, Turtle realizes that she's not a kind, old granny type, but a ruthless, manipulative woman. Suddenly, she realizes why the Diaper Gang hates Nana Philly. She also lets go of her dream of a stellar relationship with a dear grandma that she creates when she learns about her.