Turtle in Paradise Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Everyone's always saying that hard times bring out the best in people, but far as I can tell, the only thing that hard times bring out is plain meanness. I left my shoes outside on the front porch last night, and some rotten kid stole them. (12.1)

We know Turtle's a cynic, but does she have a point? Maybe people just say tough times bring out the best in people to cheer folks up. After all, her shoes get stolen and Archie still steals their money, regardless of the Great Depression.

Quote #8

I know how he feels. I've never been this hungry before. Now I know why people go crazy, because all I can think about is food. (16.50)

On the island, Turtle feels very hungry, and can't take her mind off of food. Still, she doesn't give up hope that someone will rescue them—she's just got to survive until they get there. Her perseverance mentality is so ingrained that she clings to it even in emergencies.

Quote #9

"But he promised! He promised he'd take care of us!" she says, sobbing like she's dying. I feel her hurt like my own; it's the worst feeling ever. Uncle Vernon was right—I do have a soft underbelly. (18.75)

Turtle definitely has a soft side, but she is the strong one here. Turtle is able to keep it together while her mom sobs uncontrollably—she's got a talent for pressing on, even when it seems impossible or unfair.