Turtle in Paradise Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mrs. Budnick never sleeps and doesn't care if anybody else does, either. She thinks nothing of waking me up in the middle of the night to make her tea or toast. I'm so tired I can barely see straight. The only thing that keeps me going is thinking of you. (10.9)

This is part of a letter from Turtle's mom. What stands out to us is how her mom tells Turtle that the only thing that gives her strength is her daughter. Mama uses Turtle for inspiration to keep working hard and never give up.

Quote #5

Uncle Vernon looks at me. "You know, the thing about a turtle is that it looks tough, but it's got a soft underbelly." (10.77)

Does Turtle have a tough shell because she's had to go through a lot, or because that's just the way she's always been? It's a tricky one to answer. She seems cynical and jaded, and she's only eleven. Then again, we're not sure if we'd be the world's most positive person if we'd never had a home and had to deal with our mom's string of no-good boyfriends.

Quote #6

After what happened yesterday at lunch, I figured Nana Philly would have wised up. But I guess you can't teach a mean old lady new tricks, because the bowl hasn't been in front of her for more than a moment when her hand knocks it off the table. It falls to the floor in a splatter. (11.56)

It's clear that Turtle doesn't give up on her grandma, even when most other people have. Importantly, Nana Philly hasn't thrown in the towel either—she's intent on being her rude self, even when she needs help with everything. Yep, that's what we'd call perseverance. No one ever said it had to be for the better.