Turtle in Paradise Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'm not sure, but I think my grandmother might like me a little, too, even though I am a kid. She really listens to me when I talk, which is more than I can say for most grown-ups. (13.13)

Imagine that: a grandma liking her granddaughter. It seems rather obvious, but for Nana Philly, it's not. Turtle's comment reminds us that she's just a kid, too, trying to figure out how to behave and what to do in life. Hmmm… does that mean she lies and steals, too?

Quote #8

It's a fact: if a kid is being nice, he's probably up to no good. I guarantee you some kid was behind the Titanic sinking. He probably offered to steer the ship so the captain could get a cup of tea. (14.1)

Turtle talks so much smack-talk about kids that we're not sure whether to believe her or not. Sure loads of kids are sneaky and only act nice to get away with something, but what about when she gives Nana Philly her lunch every day? She's not expecting anything in return and she's not up to no good.

Quote #9

What is it with boys and fighting? I'm amazed any of them get to be grown-ups the way they're always going at it. (16.24)

Pork Chop makes a bonehead move by forgetting to drop the anchor, and Beans won't let him forget it. Turtle notices how often the boys—who claim to be best buds—get into it with each other. She thinks it's so immature, but then again, they are kids.