Turtle in Paradise Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Kids lie. We have to or we'd never get anything. But grown-ups lie, too—they just do it differently. They leave things out; they don't give you the whole story. (6.1)

As bad as kids are, Turtle also admits that adults can be just as bad. Let's compare: Lying? Check. Stealing? Check. Murder? Check. Maybe it's not kids, but all humans, then, that Turtle really has beef with.

Quote #5

"She hates kids most of all," Buddy exclaims. "She washed my mouth out with soap!" (8.78)

Nana Philly and her granddaughter have more in common than Turtle thinks. They both hate kids and Shirley Temple movies. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Quote #6

I guess this is why they warn you about picking up babies. If he stayed quiet like this, I wouldn't ever want to put him down. (9.74)

For the first time, Turtle gets why someone might want a baby. We know she still doesn't love them, but at least she understands how tender they can be, especially when they go from screaming to silent whenever you pick them up.