Typee Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[...] in the absence of the mermaids, the amusement became dull and insipid. (18.5)

Oh…yeah, never mind.

Quote #5

I not only wanted the canoe to stay where it was, but I wanted the beauteous Fayaway to get into it, and paddle with me about the lake. (18.5)

We think Fayaway could have a really bright future in the island tourism industry.

Quote #6

I was always accompanied in these excursions by Fayaway and the ever-present Kory-Kory. The former, as soon as we reached the vicinity of the Ti—which was rigorously tabooed to the whole female sex—withdrew to a neighbouring hut, as if her feminine delicacy 'restricted' her from approaching a habitation which might be regarded as a sort of Bachelor's Hall. (22.1)

What do you make of gender-restricted access—for boats, the Ti, and elsewhere in the valley? Tommo never really explains it because he can't really understand what they're saying.