We Were Liars Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But I was meant to help Mummy keep the house by telling my grandfather that he was the big man, that he was the cause of all our happiness, and by reminding him that I was the future of the family. (62.12)

Sure Penny has fancy rugs and fancy dogs, but without Harris's money, she'd be destitute. Having big money and losing it is, in some ways, worse than never having had money at all—she has no real life outside being rich, nothing that's truly her own.

Quote #8

Then he said Bess was a grasping wench and he had no intention of giving her my house. But later, Mirren told me he'd promised Windemere to Bess. (63.21)

Harris built houses specifically for each daughter, but in his old age, he starts unofficially reallocating the property. It's his favorite sport. Who needs outdoor exercise?

Quote #9

"You have the only beachfront house, Bess, and you have all Dad's approval and devotion. I'd think that would be enough for you. Lord knows it's impossible for the rest of us to get." (66.26)

Bess actually doesn't have her father's devotion—none of them do, since he's devoted only to himself. But Bess has the most stuff, and to the other Sinclair sisters, that equals the most love.