We Were Liars Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He hits the water with force and the sea is filled with rocks here. There's no telling how deep or shallow it is. He could seriously die doing this. He could—but he pops up, shaking the water off his short yellow hair and whooping. (54.31)

If you were already dead and could do anything you wanted, what would you do? Jump off cliffs? Dive out of airplanes without a parachute? Hang out with poisonous snakes? (Wait, scratch that last one—it's not even fun to imagine.)

Quote #8

"Thatcher and I are sorting through my affairs. I'm considering leaving a good portion of my estate to my alma mater." (61.10)

Harris tries to come up with a way to stick it to his children from beyond the grave. He has to make sure they know about it first, though, so he can enjoy the spectator sport of watching them claw each other's eyes out.

Quote #9

I had killed those dogs. It was I who lived with dogs, I who knew where Prince Philip and Fatima slept. The rest of the Liars didn't think about the goldens—not very much, anyway. Not like I did. (75.76)

The Liars become a unit when they're together, and it's hard to tell their personalities apart. This is the one glimpse Cadence gives us of a separate inner life—prior to her accident, anyway. After the accident, she's not just separate, but alone.