We Were Liars Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All my bravado from this morning,

the power,

the perfect crime,

taking down the patriarchy,

the way we Liars saved the summer idyll and made it better,

the way we kept our family together by destroying some part of it—

all that is delusional.

The dogs are dead… (76.3-10)

Remembering the dogs' death is the prelude to remembering the Liars'. Knowing she killed the dogs is horrific enough; knowing she killed the people she loved most is unbearable.

Quote #8

She confused being sick with being brave, and suffered agonies while imagining she merited praise for it. (79.21)

The Liars become martyrs for a cause, but Gat, Johnny, and Mirren get to go out in a (literal) blaze of glory, while Cadence is left to deal with a lifetime of suffering. It's a long, crippling, pathetic martyrdom.

Quote #9

Go on, she said, the flames will cleanse your souls.

Go on, she said, for you are independent thinkers.

Go on, she said. What is this life we lead, if you do not take action? (79.34-36)

Taking action can enhance your life, or it can bring about your demise. Not knowing which will happen stops a lot of people from acting.