We Were Liars The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mummy and I are two of a kind, in the big house with the porch at the top of the hill. The willowy mother and the sickly daughter. (3.6)

Cadence makes her life with Penny seem downright Grey Gardens. All they need are headscarves and a relationship to the Kennedys.

Quote #5

Mummy has our Burlington house filled with silver and crystal, coffee-table books and cashmere blankets. Thick rugs cover every floor, and paintings from several local artists she patronizes line our walls. She likes antique china and displays it in the dining room. (17.6)

The Burlington house seems more like a museum than a home since Penny displays her possessions as a way of showing off her money to visitors.

Quote #6

"Cuddledown is haunted," says Taft. "Can I come and sleep with you at Windemere?" (22.22)

Note that the Sinclair kids don't say my house and your house, instead calling the houses by name. It's kind of like the houses own them instead of the other way around.