Westmark Resources
Wanna hear what made Lloyd Alexander such a big dude in kids' fiction? Check him out here.
Lloyd Alexander passed away in 2007. Learn about some of his greatest accomplishments here.
How does Westmark match up in themes and content to Alexander's other novels? Check it out here.
Articles and Interviews
Real-life kids asked Alexander these questions… and he doesn't hold back in his answers.
Why read fantasy? Alexander dishes on his favorite genre.
Some megafans made a documentary YouTube channel about Lloyd.
Kids chat about their favorite Alexander book. They're pretty funny and adorable while they do it, too.
Here's Theo from one of the early Westmark covers. Hunky.
Lucky for you, Westmark has two sequels. Here's the cover to the follow-up volume, The Kestrel.
Mickle's hanging on by a thread on the cover for the final volume in the trilogy, The Beggar Queen.
Check out this map around Westmark if you've got plans to meet up with Theo later.