What Happened to Goodbye Chapter 2 Summary

  • Even though Mclean's dad is a chef, he's not the one who cooks at home—and he never was. Her mom always cooked, even though her go-to recipe involved pouring a can of cream-of-whatever soup on top of whatever it was she was cooking.
  • Mclean was totally shocked when her parents' marriage ended because they had such a good love story—her mom was a debutante from a rich Southern family, and her dad was a scholarship student whose parents were blue-collar workers.
  • When Mclean was still living in Tyler, she'd spend half of her time at her mom's new fancy schmancy house per the custody agreement, missing the home-cooked cream-of-whatever meals now that they had a personal chef.
  • She held out hope that her mom and dad would get back together… that is until her mom got pregnant with twins, pretty much sealing the deal with Peter.
  • Mclean decided to go with her dad when he got his new job, and drama ensued—lawyers were called in, and they revisited the custody agreement so that she could go with her dad.
  • Now Mclean doesn't exactly get along with her mom. She tries to see her as little as possible, and doesn't like to talk to her much.
  • Back at Luna Blu, the restaurant manager, Opal, is pretty upset that Mclean's dad is charging in and making big changes. He's even suggesting that they change their complimentary appetizers (beloved rosemary rolls) to—gasp—fried pickles.
  • After her dad's tiff with Opal, Mclean comes in to deliver her update. She tells her dad that the utilities are up and running, when the garbage pick-up is, where she's registering for school, and that she stocked up on all the supplies they need. Talk about a responsible teenager.
  • She walks outside and overhears Opal talking trash about her dad and his haircut. Opal sees her and is mortified—obviously—and asks Mclean not to tell her dad what she heard.
  • She asks for Mclean's name, and in that instant, Mclean introduces herself as Liz… And so another persona is born.
  • Mclean goes home, unpacks, and checks her Ume.com (think: Facebook) account—her last one was for Beth Sweet. She starts making a new one for Liz Sweet, but is interrupted when HiThere!—her video chat application—turns on. She runs into the kitchen to escape it.
  • Her mom's voice comes on, asking if she's there and telling her that she misses her. Her mom doesn't seem to get the message that Mclean is still furious with her and wants to avoid talking to her at all costs.
  • She looks out the window after her mom has signed off and the coast is clear, and sees that on one side of their house a bunch of college students seem to be having a party, while on the other side there's a middle aged couple cleaning up the kitchen. Talk about opposites.
  • In the middle of the night, Mclean wakes to the sound of the flowerpot on their porch breaking. She goes outside and sees that some of the college students are getting slopping and drunk. They hand her a beer as an apology, and she grabs a jacket and goes to join the party.
  • Inside, she starts talking to some kids who act like she's going to jail when she mentions that she's going to Jackson High School. She meets a girl named Riley who asks where some dude named Dave is; they talk about how Dave's parents are super overprotective.
  • Mclean goes outside to get some air and looks at the stars. Her mom taught her the names of the stars and constellations, and thinking about them makes her feel sad. Her moment is interrupted though, when someone shouts, "Cops!" and everyone goes scrambling.
  • In the mayhem, Mclean runs too and is chased by the cops. But then someone grabs her and pulls her down into the dirt and down a flight of stairs.
  • The cops run by and the lights turn on so that Mclean finds herself in… some kind of cellar. And she's with the guy who she found on her back porch. He introduces himself as Dave. Hey, Dave.
  • He tells her that it's a part of the abandoned house behind his, and that he found it while he was exploring as a kid. He asks her for her name, and instead of saying Liz, she tells him her real name—Mclean. Then she goes home.