What Happened to Goodbye Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In the two years or so we'd been on the road, I did miss my mom. When I was really homesick in those first lonely, bumpy days at a new place, I wasn't lonely for my old house or friends, or anything else specific, as much as just the comfort she represented. (2.11)

It's not easy being on the road all the time—especially because it means that Mclean never gets to see her mom anymore. She doesn't want to visit her mom in her new home, though; she just wants to feel like she has a whole family again.

Quote #2

There was probably a term for it, some brand of codependence, a daughter acting too much like a wife, once said wife takes off. But what was I supposed to do? We had each other. That was all. (2.67)

Mclean and her dad are pretty much drifters, and they don't like to rely on anyone but each other. This makes things simple, but it also makes it so that they're both pretty lonely individuals.

Quote #3

Since we'd been moving, I'd gotten smart about dealing with people. I knew I wouldn't be staying forever, so I kept my feelings at the temporary stage, too. Which meant making friends easily, but never taking sides, and picking guys I knew wouldn't last in the long haul, or any haul at all, for that matter. (2.94)

How sad—Mclean doesn't even get attached to the guys that she dates. She just assumes that everything will end eventually, and moves on without trying to maintain contact.