What Happened to Goodbye Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"He wanted to be normal," Riley said quietly, picking out another pretzel. Then, glancing at me, she explained, "Dave had never been in public school. He was actually going to go to college early, because he's so smart and got moved up so much. But then he decided he wanted to, you know, live like a regular teenager." (3.106)

Dave may be a super brilliant math geek, but he's not so well versed in normal teenage life. It makes a lot of sense that he'd want to spend some time at a public school, making friends and doing normal teenage stuff.

Quote #2

But the truth was, I still wasn't sure who this Mclean was, here. I kept waiting for her to turn up, falling into place as easily as Eliza and Lizbet and Beth before her, but so far it hadn't happened. Instead, I still felt unformed, like a cake half baked with edges crisp, but still mushy in the middle. (5.145)

Being in Lakeview is giving Mclean a chance to figure out who she really is, and while it may not be a totally comfortable ride, it's an important lesson for her to have. At the end of the day, you can't keep hiding around personas.

Quote #3

"Brain Camp?"

"This math thing I've done every summer since fifth grade," he explained. I was supposed to be a counselor again this year. But Ellis, Riley, Heather and I want to do this big road trip to Texas. Which is, you know, somewhat less academic." (7.173-4)

Oh boy—if Dave's parents are freaked out by him wanting to go to public school, they'll definitely be freaked out when he announces that he's not doing Brain Camp and is going on a road trip instead. But it'll be good for him to vary what he does every summer.