What Happened to Goodbye Chapter 9 Summary

  • Chuckles is coming to visit the restaurant, and Mclean's dad is nervous because it's not exactly running smoothly yet. At least it's snowing though, so he might be delayed a bit.
  • As she watches her dad go out into the snow, she wonders where he'll be next year when he has to move from town to town without her—she'll be in college then. She worries about him.
  • In a moment of perfect timing, her mom calls and starts pestering her to come visit soon. Mclean keeps making excuses about how she needs to stay in town, but then her mom gets upset and tells her that she just wants them to be close.
  • Mclean tells her mom off, saying that all of this is her fault because she cheated on her dad—their relationship has suffered because of her actions—and then she hangs up, feeling worse than before.
  • To clear her mind before school, Mclean goes to Frazier Bakery where she runs into Dave. She's late already, so he offers to give her a ride. Apparently his parents just gave him his car back—it's a totally beat-up Volvo, but seeing it reminds Mclean of her old car, which she misses.
  • As they drive, Dave explains his matching tattoo with Riley. Riley's grandmother used to babysit him, and she had this huge wart right on her wrist that never went away. When she died of cancer last year, they both got the circle tattoos as a tribute to her.
  • They go toward the school and the sidewalks are all icy. They both wobble, but Mclean has this weird feeling that even if she were to fall, she'd be okay—Dave would be there for her.
  • School is cancelled by lunchtime due to the snow, so Mclean heads straight to Luna Blu to kill some time.
  • Deb is totally taking over the model town project and advocates a "pinwheel" method of putting it together, and Dave whispers to Mclean that Deb is a total freak—in a good way.
  • They start working on the model in sectors that Deb has partitioned out, while Deb gets on the phone with the woman at the model parts company. This girl really takes things seriously.
  • Opal comes up and tells Mclean that the councilwoman keeps calling for her dad; she's obviously got the hots for him. This distracts Mclean because she knows that once her dad develops a romance in a town, it means that he'll be moving soon. He doesn't like to get too entangled.
  • When she comes downstairs, Opal and her dad are sharing a bottle of wine. Opal's over the moon because the meeting with Chuckles went well and no one's getting fired. Hooray and yippee and all that jazz.
  • As she goes to leave though, she hears her dad on the phone in his office. He's telling the other person that he'll pick them up at city hall. Wait a minute… does that mean that her dad is going on a date with Lindsay?
  • Mclean realizes with a sickening lurch that they'll be leaving soon… her dad is already making plans to go on a date, and earlier when Opal was celebrating, he hadn't said anything. The restaurant won't be saved after all… And this time, Mclean doesn't want to leave.