Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Quote #1

MAN IN BAR: A new outfit bought the red car. Some big company called Cloverleaf.

VALIANT: No kidding! They bought the red car?

MAN IN BAR: Yeah. Put the poor guy on two weeks' notice. Cut backs they said.

Part of the backstory of Roger Rabbit involves the takeover of the trolley system. Early in the movie, we don't know who is doing it, or even if it's important, but we do know that whoever bought out the red car doesn't care about the wellbeing of his employees.

Quote #2

DOLORES: Tomorrow's Friday Eddie. You know what happens here on Friday?

VALIANT: Fish Special?

DOLORES: No, My boss checks the books on Friday and if I don't have that money I gave you back in the till I'm gonna lose my job.

Although Judge Doom is the character best described as greedy, Eddie only takes the shady job spying on Jessica because he needs money. Eddie isn't greedy, but he does make bad decisions because of cold hard cash.

Quote #3

DOLORES: No, you're not, Eddie. That's what I came to tell you. I stopped by probate. Maroon's not after Toontown like you thought. It's Cloverleaf that want to get their hands on Toontown. They put in the highest bid and unless Mr. Acme's will shows up by midnight tonight, Cloverleaf is going to own Toontown.

Dolores uncovers the plot that's a hostile takeover of Toontown by purchasing it. It doesn't matter what the Toons think or want. Whoever has the most money can do whatever they want with the town.