Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Quote #4

NEWSREEL: The Pacific Redcar Trolley Line and the venerated Maroon Cartoon Studios. Here R. K. Maroon is seen clinching a deal with Cloverleaf's bankers and executives in one of the biggest real estate deals in Californian history.

The studio head R.K. Maroon is also greedy. He wants to sell his studio, and he doesn't care that the person buying it is a person who wants to wipe out the very Toons that helped Maroon build his studio in the first place.

Quote #5

MAROON: The truth is I had a chance to sell my studio, but Cloverleaf wouldn't buy my property unless Acme sold them his. The stubborn bastard wouldn't sell, so I was going to blackmail Acme with pictures of him and the rabbit's wife. Blackmail, that's all. I've been around Toons all my life. I didn't want to see them destroyed.

We're not sure why Maroon says he didn't want to see the Toons destroy. Perhaps he feels guilty that dollar signs got in the way of his morality.

Quote #6

DOOM: Of course not. You lack vision. I see a place where people get off and on the freeway. On and off. Off and on. All day, all night. Soon where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations. Inexpensive motels. Restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons. Automobile dealerships. And wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My god, it'll be beautiful.

There's a fine line between being entrepreneurial and being an evil greedy jerk…and having no problems with genocide takes a flying leap right over that line into greedy jerk territory. Doom has a clever vision of the future, but he feels no guilt about wiping out an entire group of beings to achieve his goals.