Will Grayson, Will Grayson Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I realize this is not, like, boyish. I realize that properly speaking guys should only think about sex and the acquisition of it, and that they should run crotch-first toward every girl who likes them and etc. But: The part I enjoy most is not the doing, but the noticing. Noticing the way she smells like oversugared coffee, and the difference between her smile and her photographed smile, and the way she bites her lower lip, and the pale skin of her back. I just want the pleasure of noticing these things at a safe distance—I don't want to have to acknowledge that I am noticing. I don't want to talk about it or do stuff about it. (3.64)

Okay, so Will isn't going to run around trying to have sex with every girl he sees, but he seems to have taken things to the other extreme. He's so opposed to sex and relationships that he won't even make any moves at all on a girl. Have you read up on isolation as a theme elsewhere in this section yet? Because now might be a good time to if you haven't already.

Quote #5

i think there really needs to be a rule against calling a guy's sexuality into question while he's working. and anyway, i really don't want to talk about it with maura no matter where we are. because, here's the thing—we're not that close. maura is the kind of friend i enjoy swapping doomsday scenarios with. she's not, however, someone who makes me want to prevent doomsday from happening. for the year or so we've hung out, this has always been a problem. i know if i told her about liking guys, she'd probably stop wanting to date me, which would be a huge plus. but i also know i'd immediately become her gay pet, and that's the last kind of leash i want. and it's not like i'm really that gay. i f***ing hate madonna. (4.3)

will doesn't like Maura enough to open up to her. Heck, he doesn't like anyone (except Isaac) enough to open up to them. will's sexuality is his own little secret. No, he doesn't deny that he's gay, but he doesn't want to broadcast it either.

Quote #6

me: can tiny talk normal?
tiny (in his best anderson cooper voice): yes, he can. but it's not nearly as fun when he does it.
me: you just sound so gay.
tiny: um . . . there's a reason for that?
me: yeah, but. i dunno. i don't like gay people.
tiny: but surely you must like yourself? (10.51)

Okay, so maybe there's a little something else to will not wanting to publicly admit he's gay: He doesn't really like himself or other gay people. Maybe he's afraid that if he comes out to everyone he'll have to start acting like a gay stereotype. Or maybe he's afraid that people will start hating him as much as he hates himself. Oh, that's sad.