Will Grayson, Will Grayson Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Our miracle is different because people say it's impossible. As it sayeth in Leviticus, 'Dude shall not lie with dude.'" He looks down, and then out into the audience, and I can tell he is looking for the other Will and not finding him. He stands up.

"But it doesn't say that dude shall not fall in love with dude, because that's just impossible, right? The gays are animals, answering their animal desires. It's impossible for animals to fall in love. And yet—" (19.105-106)

Tiny has a point here. The Bible says that gay people shouldn't get it on, but not that they aren't attracted to each other. If God went ahead and created people to fall in love with each other, then why is it wrong to act on it?