The Woman in White Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Volume.Part.Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"I may fairly expect Mr. Gilmore, as a gentleman, to believe me on my word [...] But my position with a lady is not the same. I owe to her, what I would concede to no man alive—a proof of the truth of my assertion." (

Sir Percival's take on gender relations is kind of odd. He apparently has to offer up proof to a lady, but a fellow gentlemen should just take him at his word? A very elaborate code of conduct for gentlemen existed in this era, and part of that code was an "honor system."

Quote #5

No sensible man ever engages, unprepared, in a fencing match of words with a woman. (

Words of wisdom from Mr. Gilmore here. While generally a serious guy, he does have his moments of levity… and his moments of realizing that women can be witty, too.

Quote #6

Most men show something of their dispositions in their own houses, which they have concealed elsewhere; and Sir Percival had already displayed a mania for order and regularity. (

Here Marian trots out the idea of a man being "king of his castle." But Percival pretty much acts the way we expected him to act at home (like a freaking nut), so this idea about "concealment" doesn't really hold up.