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English I Videos 91 videos
Summarize the main idea of the following selection about women during WWII.
Can you find the important difference between "Old Mistresses Apologue" and "Suggested Husbands for Fanny Burney"? Unfortunately, the answer isn't...
Texas EOC English 1: 1.7 Revision 167 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:05
jour were skimming It gives way We're skimming fast because
- 00:10
we're going to see it it's about eighty seven thousand
- 00:13
and we're just going to get to it adding which
- 00:15
of these sentences after sentence twenty would best improve the
Full Transcript
- 00:19
transition between paragraph four and paragraph five and hear the
- 00:24
potential answers Okay well let's do a quick skin to
- 00:30
refresh ourselves on paragraph four and five Paragraph four is
- 00:33
all about different recycling options Paragraph five sums up the
- 00:37
paper and reminds us that it's our responsibility to recycle
- 00:40
our electronics at least it's better than some of our
- 00:43
other responsibilities at home We'll take recycling electronics any day
- 00:46
over a scrubbing tubs Anyway we're looking for the sentence
- 00:50
that best connects the two paragraphs Choice b is definitely
- 00:54
not the best bridge between him It fits fine with
- 00:57
paragraph four but it doesn't touch on the main topic
- 01:00
of paragraph five at all Which is kind of okay
- 01:02
because the main topic paragraph five isn't all that touchy
- 01:06
feely option C has the same problem It works with
- 01:10
paragraph four but it makes no effort to bridge us
- 01:13
into paragraph five which is kind of rude And then
- 01:16
we have choice d which has the opposite problem of
- 01:18
the previous two options This one does a good job
- 01:21
lecturing us on being responsible Electronics owners but that's totally
- 01:24
a paragraph five thing there's Nothing in the sense Remind
- 01:27
us of paragraph four Like where's the bridge option a
- 01:30
is the sentence that best highs to two Paragraphs together
- 01:34
It reminds us that we have recycling options and it
- 01:36
gets us ready to hear all about our responsibilities as
- 01:39
elektronik owners Remember with great electronics come great responsibilities Well
- 01:45
responsibilities come with bad elektronik too but that's kind of 00:01:48.738 --> [endTime] a deal
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