Sin Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Oh, [Margaret] knew the Devil's Power. Her own grandmother had it. (2.225)

Margaret seems to believe both that she came from sin, and that she gave birth to sin (Carrie). She's like the meat of a sin sandwich.

Quote #8

Carrie had to admit that she didn't know how to dance. She didn't add that […] she would feel out of place gyrating on the floor, (and sinful) yes, and sinful. (2.241-2.243)

Man, what isn't a sin to Carrie? No wonder she's so afraid of everything. Pretty much any action could condemn her straight to the fiery pits of hell… if her Momma is to be believed.

Quote #9

"Show [Carrie] that if she had remained sinless the Curse of Blood never would have come on her." (1.350)

Whoa, Momma. There is so much blame within blame here, it's like the Inception of blame. Momma seems to be blaming Carrie for getting her period. And she's blaming the period—a perfectly natural biological process—on the fact that Carrie sins. She's also kind of blaming god for the fact that periods even exist. So much crazy here.