The Remains of the Day Repression Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Miss Kenton, please don't think me unduly improper in not ascending to see my father in his deceased condition just at this moment. You see, I know my father would have wished me to carry on just now." (3.395)

Stevens represses not only his attraction to Miss Kenton but also his emotions at the loss of his father. Not surprisingly, he also lists emotional restraint as another quality of a great butler. We have to say, though, we're going to use "that deceased condition" in more sentences. "Whoa, check out that poor deer by the side of the road. It's in a deceased condition."

Quote #5

"[…] Why, Mr. Stevens, why, why, why do you always have to pretend?" (6.50)

Miss Kenton calls out Stevens on his emotional restraint, which, as she points out, is actually a kind of lying or pretense: he is unable to be honest and sincere about his feelings.

Quote #6

"[…] You do not like pretty girls to be on the staff. Might it be that our Mr. Stevens fears distraction? Can it be that our Mr. Stevens is flesh and blood after all and cannot fully trust himself?" (6.67)

Miss Kenton has a little fun here with Stevens, who is flustered by her teasing. Stevens might not be able to fully trust himself, but he can definitely fully restrain himself.