The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 20: Natasha Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Natasha—she of the pink headphones—goes into the record store and wishes she could spend all day there. 
  • She sees her ex-boyfriend, Rob, making out with Kelly, the girl he cheated on her with, in the corner. 
  • She's already in an awkward position...when she sees Kelly reach out and slip a record into her bulky jacket. 
  • An Asian boy in a gray suit and a ridiculously bright red tie sees it, too. 
  • Natasha and "Red Tie" debate whether or not they should tell somebody, and Natasha tells him that Rob's her cheating ex. 
  • Rob sees Natasha and starts walking their way, thinking this will be a pleasant interaction. 
  • Red Tie immediately calls him out on stealing from a family-owned business. 
  • Kelly gets busted and Rob runs out the door. What a charmer. 
  • Red Tie shakes Natasha's hand and introduces himself as Daniel. 
  • They have a cute moment before Natasha says, "Have a nice life, Daniel" (55).