The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 92: Daniel Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Daniel and Charlie are about to get schooled by their dad. 
  • Daniel gets a Coke can to ice his lip, and thinks maybe Natasha was right about him—he's looking for somebody to save him so it won't be him defying his parents; it will be Fate. 
  • His dad asks him why he thinks it matters what he wants. He and his mother only want the best for him; why would he throw away his future for something he wants temporarily? 
  • Daniel's dad thinks maybe it's his fault for not showing his boys what being poor is really like, so they'd know they don't want that life. 
  • If Daniel doesn't want to go to Yale and become a doctor, he can get a job and pay his own way through college. 
  • Daniel's dad says he saw how Daniel looked at Natasha, and their relationship will never work. Daniel thinks he's wrong.