The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 60: Daniel Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Daniel and Natasha enter the Korean restaurant—Daniel has shifted his goal from making Natasha fall in love with him to just making her want to see him tomorrow. 
  • (If only it were that simple.) 
  • Daniel orders, Natasha asks for a fork, and the waitress tells Daniel to teach her how to use chopsticks. 
  • Natasha loves all the food and asks Daniel why he calls himself Korean if he was born here. 
  • People always ask him where he's really from, so it's just easier to say Korea, even though he's not Korean enough for his parents. 
  • Natasha says it's not his job to help others label him, and he loves how simple she makes a very complicated problem. 
  • She tells him about feeling different when she moved to America and passionately arguing that favourite was the correct spelling when she missed it on a test (even though she supposedly hates passion).