The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 88: Daniel Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Daniel storms in to the family store looking for Charlie, and finds him in the backroom. 
  • Charlie is immediately in full jerk mode, taunting Daniel that Natasha probably wanted him all along. 
  • Daniel asks him why he's always so mean to him, and he says he's just stronger, smarter, and better than Daniel. 
  • Daniel says he must not have been that great at Harvard, and calls him "Second Best Son." 
  • Charlie says Daniel's pathetic, and he doesn't like him because he's just like their parents, embracing the Korean culture. 
  • Daniel pities Charlie, which makes him even angrier, and he says Daniel's not special just because he's dating a black girl. 
  • Daniel punches Charlie in the face. 
  • Charlie punches him back, and Daniel knees him in a particularly sensitive area. 
  • Their dad appears at the door and yells in Korean, "What's going on here?" (223)