The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 94: Natasha Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Natasha isn't sure how to feel. It feels strange that everyone else is just going about their everyday lives when she's having such cataclysmic shifts in her own. 
  • She tries to call her best friend, Bev, but she doesn't pick up. Suddenly she's calling her cheating ex, Rob, and she's not sure why. 
  • He answers, and she asks why he cheated on her. He's not sure, but eventually says he just liked her and liked Kelly and didn't want to choose either of them. 
  • She knows Daniel's heart would choose, and she really wants to tell him the attorney's news. 
  • She asks Rob if he believes in true love, and he says no, and he knows she doesn't either. 
  • He's right...but she wants to.