The Sun is Also a Star Chapter 51: Natasha Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Natasha sees Daniel's dad and realizes where he gets his handsome looks from. 
  • She asks Daniel to show her around, although there's not much to show. 
  • Natasha picks up a box of pink hair dye and confesses that she's always wanted pink hair, maybe just the ends. Daniel says he thinks she'd look beautiful. 
  • Charlie notices Daniel and Natasha and asks if she's trying to shoplift.
  • Daniel takes a step toward Charlie, but Natasha grabs his hand to calm him down. 
  • Charlie's ecstatic, thinking their parents will be so upset about their son dating a Jamaican girl that he'll be back to "golden boy" status. 
  • Natasha calls him an a**hole, and he just grins like it's a compliment, as only a true a**hole would do. 
  • Natasha and Daniel turn to leave, and walk right into his dad.