Things Not Seen Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Things Not Seen? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Sheila's family think happened to her?

That she ran away from home
That she got kidnapped
That she died
That she moved to a deserted island
Q. How does Alicia become blind?

She gets hit by a car.
She was born that way.
She bumps her head one night and wakes up blind.
She had an unfortunate run-in with a unicorn.
Q. When does Bobby realize that he's become visible again?

When he wakes up after using the blanket
When the policeman asks who he is
When his parents tell him
When he looks in the mirror again
Q. Who does Bobby dress up as to get Mrs. Trent off his back?

His mom
Aunt Ethel
A policeman
Q. What does Bobby do right before he goes over to tell Alicia that he loves her?

Goes for a run
Does his hair
Tells his parents that he loves them
Mails Sheila the electric blanket