Odds of Getting In
Junior varsity starter, GPA: 2.5
You're just not cut out to play college water polo. This is no surprise to you, either; you were just into the sport for the heated pool access.
One-year varsity starter, no summer showcase experience, no competitive swimming experience, GPA: 3.3
You finally cracked into the rotation your senior year, but you were never the most talented athlete on your high school team. You've got your hopes pinned on the college debate team instead.
Two-year varsity starter, minimal summer showcase experience, no competitive swimming experience, GPA: 3.1
Playing water polo has always been fun for you, but you've never taken the sport as seriously as some of your competitors. You could try playing at a lower level in college, but a scholarship opportunity is probably just out of the splash zone. You've decided to focus on your studies and mess around in the pool with friends on weekends.
Three-year varsity starter, 1st team All-Conference, summer showcase experience, some competitive swimming experience, GPA: 2.7
You were one of the better players in your conference and you're serious about trying to make it at the college level. Besides, you've got the hair for it. Keep an eye on your GPA, though.
Four-year varsity starter, All-American, extensive summer showcase experience, competitive swimming experience, GPA: 3.4
You've proven yourself as a top high school athlete in swimming and water polo. You're the real deal. The whole enchilada, if you will. (And you will. You burn a lot of calories in practice.)