A Great and Terrible Beauty Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The Torture Twins are not alone. All the better. I'll surprise the lot of them, let them know I won't be their willing fool ever again. (10.21)

Sometimes power simply comes from gaining the upper hand, like here when Gemma has the opportunity to sneak up on Felicity and a man, whom she would die to be caught with. In this way, Gemma holds all the cards.

Quote #5

My mother was here. I'd choose her. It's what I said before I fell asleep. Somehow, I've brought her back with this strange power of mine. (10.82)

Gemma's got some magical power too. But why is it called power? Perhaps because other people can't do it. If no one knew how to blow their nose and everyone just let the snot run down all over, it'd be pretty powerful to be the one to figure out how to blow it all into a tissue, now wouldn't it?

Quote #6

It means passing up an invitation to Felicity's suddenly open sanctuary in the great hall—thanks to my new status as the keeper of her secrets—but there's only one thought in my mind: there has to be a way to control my visions rather than have them control me. (11.1)

Gemma works hard to develop power over herself and control her visions. You might even say she has to summon a ton of power in order to control her power.