A Great and Terrible Beauty Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It's a dream, only a dream. That's what I tell myself when I wake up […] But it felt so real. I put my fingers to my lips. They're not swollen with kissing. I'm still whole. Pure. (19.69-73)

Some dreams remain dreams, which is a good thing, for sure. Even though Gemma wishes her dream about making out with Kartik was true, she also would have a ton of consequences to suffer if it were. So phew—glad that there is still a dream-world boundary sometimes.

Quote #8

There are trees dripping leaves of green-gold and red-orange. The sky is a purplish blue on top of a horizon bathed in an orange glow, like a sunset that never fades. Tiny lavender blossoms float by on a warm breeze that smells faintly of my childhood—lilies and Father's tobacco and curry in Sarita's kitchen. (22.41)

In the realms reality is harder to define, since Gemma can smell, touch, see, and hear what she wants. If she wishes to change something, she can, because she accesses this world through her mind, like one does with dreams.

Quote #9

"What are the realms exactly?" I ask. […]

"A world between worlds. A place where all things are possible." […]

"It's where the Order came to reflect, to hone their magic and themselves, to come through the fire and be made new. Everyone comes here from time to time—in dreams, when ideas are born." She pauses. "In death." (22.62-64)

So are the realms definitely real because everyone visits them at some point?