How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I change into the clothes he brought me. A pair of khakis, a white T-shirt, some slippers. They're warm and soft and they feel good. I almost feel human. (1.4.38)
Putting on clean clothes is James's first step toward becoming a healthy person again. It's like faking it 'til you make it. If you want to be clean, you have to stop dressing in torn, bloody clothes.
Quote #2
The Rules here are for your own good. I suggest that you follow them. (1.4.97)
This is Roy talking to James. We later learn that Roy is a fink who always tries to get James in trouble. Does Roy see the rules as an actual path to recovery, or just a way to get other people into trouble?
Quote #3
The women are housed in separate Units and contact with them is not allowed. If you see them in the Halls, hell is okay, how are you is not. If you violate this Rule, you may be asked to leave. (1.4.107)
Out of all the rules, this is the one that ends up affecting James the most. His relationship with Lilly is against the rules from the beginning; perhaps that's one of the reasons it's so appealing to him.