How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
You should be concentrating on what you're here for, which is getting sober and rebuilding your life. Lilly is a distraction that takes you away from that. (3.2.205)
Joanne tries to explain why male-female interaction is forbidden, especially in relation to James and Lilly, but this just makes James want to see Lilly more. He'll do anything to try and prove people wrong.
Quote #8
At the end of the Session, Sophie asks everyone to join hands. An intimacy has developed and we do so eagerly. (3.2.306)
Okay, this is weird. James adamantly avoids group sessions and lectures, but in this one with his family, he joins in. He doesn't complain or have a single contrary word to say about it. Since when does he do what he's been asked to do? Why is it different this time? Has something changed?
Quote #9
His Father and I were always trying to control him, mainly because he had always been so out of control. (3.3.310)
James has had a problem with rules and authority from a very young age. He doesn't seem to realize that the more he rebels, the more rules are going to be applied to try and control him.