Al Capone Does My Shirts Resources


All Things Choldenko

For everything about our author—including, as she puts it, "stupid author photos"—check out her home on the web. There are answers to frequently asked questions, info about her other Alcatraz books, and much more to be found here.

For You History Buffs Out There…

Here's an awesome little history lesson on the infamous Al Capone, courtesy of none other than the FBI. He was one bad dude, that's for sure, though he met a pretty meager ending.

Welcome to the Rock

For all things related to Alcatraz's time as a penitentiary, look no further than this site. We're talking diagrams, inmate rosters, photos—everything to satisfy your curiosity.


Who You Callin' Amateur?

What would you put in a trailer about this book? Check out one reader's work, and see if you agree with what they put together. One thing's pretty certain: Piper would approve of the music.

Straight from the Horse's—er, Author's—Mouth

Get the scoop on everything from reading to family to how she never turned 13.


You Can Call Me Al

Curious about Capone? Click on through to check out this infamous criminal's FBI mug shot.

In Happier Days

No one likes being locked up—even notorious criminals. To glimpse Capone in happier (a.k.a. freer) times, check out this link.

Check Out My Medal

Here's the cover of our book, complete with it's snazzy Newbery Honor award.

One Way to Be Remembered

Capone wasn't the only famous convict to spend time on Alcatraz Island. Check out this pic featuring him and some of the other famous dudes to be locked behind this prison's bars.

The Island, the Rock

Not sure why Alcatraz is often referred to as the Rock? This picture should clear that up for you in no time.