How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"No matter how advanced we've become, there's still tremendous pressure for girls to get married. Here, it doesn't matter how successful a woman is professionally. She isn't considered complete until she is married and has children." (2.13.30)
Sophie Khoo, the mouthpiece of plain and simple truths, explains the obsession with marriage. Know what we think is the best? Sophie doesn't seem to be married but has a wickedly successful career. You go, Sophie Khoo Khoo.
Quote #8
"Nicky is going to propose to this girl any minute now. What was the whole point of my sending you to New York? You had one simple mission to accomplish, and you failed miserably." (3.3.53)
Jacqueline Ling's scathing indictment of her daughter's time in New York City reinforces what Isabel was told: a woman has no value until she's mated with the most prestigious of men.
Quote #9
"Aiyah, Nadine, my whole life has been spent protecting him within my husband's family, and positioning him to be the favorite grandson. I know my mother-in-law never truly approved of me, so I even got out of the way […] I always let her come first in Nicky's life, and because of this he's been closer to her. But I accepted that. It was for his own good." (3.19.27)
While Eleanor otherwise has few redeeming qualities, in this exchange we suddenly see that Eleanor didn't want her son to be punished for her mother-in-law not liking her. Wow, Eleanor. That's some major mom stuff.