How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
A "full-time mother," Cecilia actually spent more time on the international equestrian circuit than raising their son, Jake. (1.6.8)
We love that "full-time mother" is put in quotes. We can just see the narrator giving air quotes with a wry smile. Cecilia is the extreme version of Astrid's one-month-away parenting style.
Quote #5
The Asian male would begin a not so covert interrogation focused on the Asian female's social, academic, and talent aptitudes in order to determine whether she was possible "wife and bearer of my sons" material. (1.11.60).
Where do all these expectations on women come from? Looks like it starts right there with the men.
Quote #6
"It's impossible for you to marry Simon. We wouldn't worry if you had your own money, but you know your situation. The clock is ticking on your pretty face. It's time to cut your losses and let Lauren introduce you to one of those eligible Beijing billionaires before it's too late." (2.11.6)
Isabel dissolves into tears after Francesca's assessment. Who wouldn't? She was just told she had no value (and she's actually depreciating as the clock ticks!) other than who she marries.