The Crystal Cave Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Crystal Cave? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What element does Merlin need in order to have a vision?

Q. How does the crystal cave work?

It reads the mind of whoever enters.
A mirror reflects light onto the crystals.
The crystals are enchanted.
Galapas uses his mind to control the cave.
Q. Merlin prophesies that Ambrosius will leave an enormous legacy to Britain, but he also foretells something else. What is it?

Uther will wreck everything he built.
A woman will destroy Merlin.
Ambrosius' death is coming.
Pascentius will rise again.
Q. Why does Vortigern seem to believe Merlin's prophecy about the two dragons so completely?

He's kind of an idiot.
Merlin has him under a spell.
His priests confirm the prophecy.
A star appears at just the right moment.
Q. Merlin says his mother's vision allowed her to see only "women's things." What does that even mean?

She only dabbled in love visions, etc.
She only advised women.
She only used her vision to learn about her lover.
Her father won't allow her to make prophecies.