The Fallen Star Chapter 36 Summary

  • As he drags her back to the cabin, Gemma asks him if he's going to kill her. Stephan laughs and says that it's very important that she remain alive and that he hopes no permanent damage has been done.
  • He slashes her in the leg with the sword and Gemma screams out. She's relieved to see Alex in the cabin at first, until she realizes that he's just sitting on the couch and not rushing to protect her at all.
  • Then Alex apologizes to his father about what happened before and says that he didn't understand the situation. Stephan tells him that they need to do it now before things get worse.
  • That's when Gemma realizes that they're talking about: They're planning to remove her soul as soon as possible.
  • She gets mad and asks Alex if he's just going to stand aside and let this happen to her after everything that his father has done—after he sent her mother to the Underworld.
  • Stephan asks her how she knows about this and Gemma is surprised to see that Alex doesn't tell him that Gemma is a Foreseer. She keeps her mouth shut, too.
  • Stephan calls out for the memoria extracto, and a Death Walker comes into the room carrying a small black box with a red eye painted on it. Inside is a grey rock that immediately starts turning black and puffing out smoke.
  • He says that it's something that will allow him to do more than detaching her soul: It will get rid of all of Gemma's memories and wipe away everything inside of her mind so that she won't even be able to function. She'll just be a shell of a person.
  • Gemma starts crying and begs Alex to stop his father, but his only response is to turn away from her. She feels utterly betrayed.
  • Gemma focuses on thinking about her mother as Stephan holds the rock in front of her. Eventually, she feels her eyes close and a crash… and she's gone.