The Fallen Star Resources

If you loved The Fallen Star, you're in luck. Author Jessica Sorensen's website has tons of information about her other books, including all of the sequels to this one.

Get your own copy of The Fallen Star in paperback or ebook format here.

Apparently, Sorensen's favorite color is purple. Gemma's strange eye color suddenly makes a lot more sense…

According to Sorensen, she chose Gemma's name because "gem" means something precious and valuable… and she's a pretty special character.

The book trailer for The Fallen Star is definitely full of action and intrigue. Is there anything you'd add or take out if you made a trailer of your own?

Check out this interview with Jessica Sorensen where she discusses how she develops her fascinating, troubled young characters.

The cover of The Fallen Star puts Gemma's peculiar physical trait front and center. Check out those vivid purple eyes.

Jessica Sorensen looks like she could be one of the cool, edgy characters in her own books.

The Fallen Star series also comes with an off-shoot series—The Lost Soul series. If this book cover is any indication, Gemma and Alex aren't going to hate each other forever.