How It All Goes Down
Out on the Roof!
- It's raining while Arthur is stuck there on the roof, and he moves around in order to get a better view of what's happening inside the Cheese Hall.
- The men are hoisting up the captured cheeses into the loft, where they're put in pens. Arthur reenters the hall through a window, and lands in the hay among the cheeses.
- He hears Gristle talking about needing to feed the Great One after they zap him, and the men begin to corral the cheeses into a cage anchored to the top of the hall's dome.
- Gristle says something about the Great One being ready soon, so long as they can keep up the supply of cheeses and monsters.
- That doesn't sound ominous, right?
- They load up the cheeses, and the cage they're in descends through a hole. The men leave it there for a few minutes, and then pull the cage back up to the loft. When they do, all that's left inside are a few strings of melted cheese.
- The men leave to go have tea.
- Arthur is not quite sure what just happened, but he knows it was something bad.