How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Every day they assemble there, waiting for their chance to spring. They watch for unhappy faces leaving the tents, then, with all the slime they can muster, they approach the person and offer him 'sympathy.'" (14.47)
Willbury's description of failed patent acquisition officers makes them sound pretty darn manipulative. They apparently sweet-talk inventors who are down on their luck, and then wrap them up in a series of promises and half-truths in order to get people to sign over the rights to their inventions. Yuck.
Quote #5
"The Great One is growing ever greater, and his needs must be met. We must get all the cheese we can tonight. I don't want any slacking. Anybody I catch not pulling his weight may find themselves in 'reduced circumstances.' Get my drift?" (19.36)
Oh, Snatcher, how low will you sink to get what you want? He even threatens his own minions in order to get stuff done. For whatever reason, though, everyone keeps doing what he wants. Maybe they're scared of him, maybe their goals are close enough to his to justify going along with it… whatever the case, Snatcher's a master of manipulation.
Quote #6
The policemen turned to the members, still brandishing their handcuffs. But then Snatcher walked forward. "The difference between me an 'im is 'chalk and cheese,'" he said. Then he made funny little signs with his hands. (28.16)
If you were approached by the police, would you make funny signs with your hands? We sure wouldn't… But in Ratbridge, apparently these funny signs have a different meaning, and they reveal that Snatcher is a member of a Guild, a secret organization that has deals going with other secret organizations. This allows Snatcher to exploit his connection with the police, and basically manipulate them into doing what he wants them to do.