How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I've been thinking about that too. I think they must be blocking up the holes to help trap them in some way. Perhaps there is only one hole still open, and they lie in wait for the underlings there, knowing it is their only way to the surface….I don't know," answered Marjorie. (31.51)
Actually, Marjorie, that's a pretty good guess. This seems to be exactly what Snatcher and his goons are doing. It's a little scary to realize that the extent of Snatcher's manipulation goes beyond bribery and bullying… he is also manipulating the very landscape of Ratbridge. This turns out to have consequences, since when there are no boxtrolls around to manage the waterworks, things can break and flooding ensues.
Quote #8
"Now, get on with you!" Snatcher fixed Gristle with his good eye. "Or perhaps I could come up with a substitute for monsters….If you get my drift?" (33.7)
Wow, Snatcher, Gristle is basically your second in command and you're going to threaten him with shrinking? Not cool, dude, not cool. We're guessing that even if Snatcher's war party wasn't foiled by Marjorie's rigged-up magnet, his power structure would've crumbled from the inside eventually, because no one likes to be constantly manipulated.
Quote #9
Snatcher followed the Trouts to the cage but stopped outside the door. Then in a blink, Snatcher snapped the door closed and locked it.
"Shrink 'em, Gristle!" (48.9-10)
And Snatcher finally makes good on his many threats to shrink his minions if they don't do as he says. Except in this case, they pretty much have done everything he wants them to. Snatcher just happens to need a little more size piped into Framley to get the war-armor to fit. This goes beyond passive-aggressive to aggressive-aggressive.