How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
"It was Archibald Snatcher who was responsible for the poisoning. Yes! That very same Archibald Snatcher whom we all witnessed you investing with legal powers to justify a kidnapping and the theft of a pair of mechanical wings. I intend to sue whatever remains of the Cheese Guild on behalf of my clients here, for compensation, and I am sure the full story will come out." (53.40)
Wow, Willbury, way to lay it out there. If we ever doubted that Willbury was a fiercely manipulative guy when provoked, we doubt it no more. He's brave enough to threaten the police chief with legal action, and he demonstrates that he's got enough dirt on the chief and Snatcher to make it stick. Normally Willbury is a sweet guy, but now we see why he's a good lawyer: He's willing to be manipulative when it's needed most.