Inside Out & Back Again Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #1

Father often said
tuyet sut,
the Vietnamese way
to pronounce the French phrase
tout de suitemeaning right away. (1.12.4)

Hà's father must have had a sharp mind and good sense of humor to play with language in such a witty way.

Quote #2

Since starting college,
he shows off even more
with tangled words. (1.13.7)

It isn't just what we say that communicates information, it's also how we say it. So while Hà's brother might think he's just talking about things that interest him, in the words he chooses to use to talk about these ideas, he also communicates a sort of loftiness or arrogance about his own intellect.

Quote #3

I hold his hand:
Come with me.

He doesn't resist.
I tie it all into a bundle.

Brother Khoi nods,
I smile […] (2.7.5)

Sometimes the best kind of communication doesn't need words. Hà saw that her brother needed something special to help him begin to heal after the death of his little chick, so she sacrifices her doll to let him know she loved him. It's an actions speak louder than words kind of moment.