Inside Out & Back Again Tradition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #1

Everyone must smile
no matter how we feel. (1.1.4)

Tet is a tradition that is filled with lots of smaller ones. Here we see the tradition of smiling, and while it might seem forced, it's done with the belief that people are setting themselves up for the new year. In other words, you'd best smile if you want it to be a happy one.

Quote #2

Every new year Mother visits
the I Ching Teller of fate. (1.2.1)

This seems to be Mother's personal tradition that she's worked into Tet. It's fine and dandy to smile through Tet, but Mother likes to get a sense of what the coming year holds anyway.

Quote #3

I vow
to rise first every morning
to stare at the dew
on the green fruit… (1.4.7)

This is a new tradition for Hà, one that is super important to her, if only so her brothers don't notice everything about her tree before she does.