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Inside Out & Back Again Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Poem.Stanza)

Quote #1

She cannot bear
to look into Father's
eyes. (1.6.9)

The first sign of sadness we get is about Hà's father, who has been missing for nine years, yet everyone hopes is still alive.

Quote #2

From now on
will be for
happy news.

No one has anything
to say. (1.9.3)

Even in school, where the children are happiest, there is no current news that doesn't make them feel sad. So though Hà seems like a generally happy kid, she is surrounded by sadness in Saigon.

Quote #3

Eyes like hers can't help
but carry sadness;
even as a child
her parents were alarmed
by the weight in her eyes. (1.14.14)

Is it possible to be born with some knowledge of sadness? Is this what people mean when they say a baby has wisdom in their eyes?