Men in Black Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Men in Black? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The Men in Black report to which branch of the government?

Homeland Security
Q. Of the 1500 extraterrestrials living on Earth, where are the majority of them currently residing?

Washington, D.C.
Area 51
Berkeley, California
Q. At the end of the film, it's revealed that Kay isn't training Jay to be his partner. What's he training him to be?

The gaffer for MiB III
The MiB leader
His replacement
A Super Sayian
Q. What 1964 event did the Men in Black use to hide the landing of UFOs?

The Olympics
The New York World's Fair
The Democratic National Convention
Comic-Con '64
Q. In accepting his duty as a member of the Men in Black, what gift does Kay give to an alien instead of his wife?

Box of chocolates
Atari 2600
The complete works of L. Ron Hubbard